hot & cool

with Atimanyu Vashishth, Celine Hobeichi, Charlotte Scott, Alexandra Gridneva, Dan Kacinkas, Selin Nisa Acikel, Taek Whun Chung, Will Litre, Selin Oktem, Duncan Watson, Claire Potter, Peter Bergman, Tom Parkes, Leslaw Skrzypiec, Ed Bottoms, Roberta Jenkins, Yasemin Cengic, Photios Demetriou


with Atimanyu Vashishth, Leslaw Skrzypiec, Selin Nisa Acikel, Taek Whun Chung, Alva Jung, Sacha Trouiller, Inter 7, Claire Potter, Laurence Lumley, Ed Bottoms, Roberta Jenkins, Photios Demetriou,


with Atimanyu Vashishth, Selin Nisa Acikel, Laurence Lumley, Clemens Kubitza, Celine Hobeichi, Peter Bergman, Luisa Pires, Yasemin Cengic, Valentin Bontjes van Beek , Rory Sherlock, Ann-Sofi.Ronnskog, Dip4 & Dip16, Ryan Dillon, John Palmesino, Theo Spyropoulos, Photios Demetriou, Leslaw Skrzypiec, Anna Font Vacas, AA Library

  • audio: Mike Davies, comments on Constructed Atmosphere ( StudioTheodore Spyropoulos) during DRL MAarch week,


Thomas Rowlandson 1811?

with Selin Nisa Acikel, Atimanyu Vashishth, Intermediate 10, Eleonora Lushchyk, Leslaw Skrzypiec, Yasemin Cengic, Photios Demetriou, Yasemin Buyurgan,


with with Selin Nisa Acikel, Haoming Zheng, Paula Martin Rivera , Atimanyu Vashishth, Pelin Tamay, Daniel Owusu, Ed Bottoms, Golnar Tajdar, (AA Archive), Yasemin Cengic, Photios Demetriou, Eleonora Lushchyk, Ursula Llewellyn, Hiroe Shigemitsu, Leslaw Skrzypiec, intermediate 10, DRL……


with Paula Martin Rivera , Atimanyu Vashishth, Pelin Tamay, Maximilian Hohl Hyde,Leyal Ilgaz, Defne Erkazanci, Azra Mollaahmetoglu, Sofia Zisopoulou, (momae) Voranan Adhiphandhuamphai, Caroline Ruth Chelouche, Adrien Nikolaj Chouraqui, Julia Aleksa Dudek, Derin Kutay, (Mae)  Nutpanee Narathasajan, Asli Soydan, (Eugene) Zhao HongXingYa, Paul Feeney, Daniel Owusu, Andreea Teleaga 

person loitering gulag

with Paula Martin Rivera , Atimanyu Vashishth, Pelin Tamay, Celine Hobeichi , Hussain Al-Bahrani, Yasemin Cengic, Junjian Wang, Shalu Lin, Peter Bergman, Selin Nisa Acikel 

Modulor Man – 1:1 drawing
To be honest, when we pinned up the paper and scaled the Modulor to the correct dimension, I felt overwhelmed by how large it
appeared. I never expected to be so taken aback by how the Modulor Man looks at a 1:1 scale. Maybe I’m just one of those people
who struggle to grasp dimension — or maybe, the Modulor Man really doesn’t reflect the proportions of an actual human being.
The ‘healthy white male’ left my 19.8 x 35.57cm computer screen, to become a human scale representation. Drawn into a black
background, the white silhouette makes its exclusion become glaringly obvious — the Modulor is not just a design tool, but a system
that reinforces a narrow idealised vision of humanity that I don’t think ever really accounted for the modernist society, or at least it
doesn’t account for the society of the 21st century.
It was quite triggering to see how I kept having to approach the stair while drawing the modular silhouette, as without it, I wouldn’t
reach many extents of his ‘standard’ body. This made me realise how his rigid proportions (designed to represent a universal
standard) really fail to account for the diversity of a real human body. The form of his body, from his shoulders to his waist and head,
has proportions that feel distinctly “off” and don’t seem to align with any 1.829m tall man.
The silhouette is encapsulated within a grid drawn by Le Corbusier, seemingly inspired by the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence.
Initially, I wasn’t planning on drawing the grid because it has always felt overly complex to understand. However, I suddenly found
myself symbolically incarcerating the Modulor within his own grid.
When painting the negative, this feeling became much more apparent, this ‘incarceration’ mirrored how design has often confined
humanity within rigid, idealised frameworks. This act of imprisonment reflected the way such systems reduce human complexity to
predetermined proportions, ignoring individuality and diversity.
The physical act of tracing its rigid, universal proportions emphasised its disconnection from the diversity and irrationality of real
human bodies. This tactile process underscored the critique: the Modulor’s standardisation is not a celebration of humanity, but an
imposition upon it—one that erases individuality in favor of conformity.
The Modulor man really seems as an act of simplification, where everything the human body encapsulates has been left aside..
Through a system, the human complexity has been reduced to predetermined proportions, ignoring individuality and diversity.

about the whether or not…….

Link to ..whether or not edit…….

Richard Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers. From 1972 to 1982, he served as the Gordon McKay Professor of Dynamic Meteorology at Harvard University.

Judith Curry is an American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She was a member of the National Research Council’s Climate Research Committee,[1] published over a hundred scientific papers

“Rosa Koire is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her twenty-eight year career as an expert witness on land use has culminated in exposing the impacts of Sustainable Development on private property rights and individual liberty. Book: ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0615494548

David Bellamy OBE (18 January 1933 – 11 December 2019) [1] was an English botanist, television presenter, author and environmental campaigner. In 2008 Bellamy signed the Manhattan Declaration, calling for the immediate halt to any tax-funded attempts to counteract climate change.[29] He maintained a view that man-made climate change is “poppycock”, insisting that climate change is part of a natural cycle.

Tim Ball (November 5, 1938 – September 24, 2022) was a British-born Canadian public speaker and writer who was a professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1971 until his retirement in 1996. Ball received a bachelor’s degree with honors in geography from the University of Winnipeg in 1970, followed by an M.A. from the University of Manitoba in 1971 and a PhD in geography with a specific focus on historical climatology from Queen Mary University of London in England in 1983.[5] Ball became an instructor at the University of Winnipeg in 1971, and a lecturer the following year. He then served in the latter capacity for 10 years. In 1982 he became an assistant professor there, and was promoted to associate professor in 1984 and full professor in 1988. He retired from teaching in 1996.

Iain Davis is an independent investigative journalist, author and blogger from the UK:

Whitney Webb an American journalist who lives in Chile.”Her work aims to highlight under-reported issues and find common ground between people of different political persuasions regarding corruption, government overreach, the lack of accountability for militaries and intelligence agencies, and the military industrial complex.” Books: One Nation under Blackmail vol.1&2 ISBN-13 978-1634243018

Cory Morningstar is an independent investigative journalist, writer and environmental activist, focusing on global ecological collapse and political analysis of the non-profit industrial complex. She resides in Canada. Her recent writings can be found on Wrong Kind of Green. Book The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-3749464753

how much does your gaarden weigh?

link to edit

apologise: edits cannot embedded into the webpage due to new policy of Bitchute

with Atimanyu Vashishth, SilvanaTaher, Celine Hobeichi, Selin Oktem, Eleonora Lushchyk, Peter Bergman, Emma-marta Berzin,Seonghyun Lee, Photios Demetriou, Alice Baseian