with thanks to Phil Hudson, Julian Cripps, John Malig, Nicholas Boyarsky, Ed Bottoms, Nigel Coates, Luisa Pires, Isobel Pires, Sally Stott, Rozhana Bahsoon, Alice Baseian, Zhuo Chen (Spike)…….
Month: April 2022
AALAWuN weekly agm 16.04.2022
birthday special
just a fact
( Wed.30th March – Sat.2nd April 2022)
slow book thing
progress report 18.03.2022
with thanks to:
Luisa Pires, Noa, Pawin, India, Stephanie, Nupur Gandhi, Laurence Lumley , Guanyu Lin,
Sabrina Morreale, Celine hobeichi , Damla dagbasi , Sude dalkilic, Leszek Skrzypiec, Mariusz Stawiarski, Gregory Korcel, Mike Law, Lukasz Jamula, Dariya Cheremisina, Zhou Chen (Spike), Leo Sun, Sally Stott, Alex Nikolov, Clive Menzies, Syed Waji, Daniel Koruma, Alice Baseain, Alva Jung, Ruby Amelia Neal, Irénée Scalbert, Katharine Eastman,Theo Spyropoulos, Selina Zhang, Photios Demetriou, Mark Morris, Roberta Jenkins, Aneta Krygier….