If it works , it is already obsolete .. Mcluhan

Here are some notes I’ve taken from our meeting combined with some ideas i had afterwards… feel free to add to it! 

  • Instructions to be put on the phone
    • Phone will be passed to different unit/studio every 3 days 
    • Before handing over to next group, the current holder of the phone will email images taken on device to lawun 
    • The phone number could be added to the back of the phone so people can share screenshots and images from their phones
    • The phone password should go on the back too
    • These instructions, and others, can be added to the back of the phone 
    • What questions are we asking? Some ideas floated in our conversations…
      • Where did E go wrong?
      • What do you bring to the AA?
      • What questions are you asking?

Lawun’s image sourcing process

  • Material on phone sent to us every week 
  • Screen print it and put in the PWNOG
  • How do we communicate with the unit/studio? 
  • How do we determine the order?


  • Look for used iPhone in Lawun office 
  • Lizzie may know of a place to find a cheap phone 
  • Do we flag this up on public programme? aa weekly? mm?

smarter than the average bare…………….