somebody tell me please
regret no salary but possible joy?
which field ?
hammer accumulation
Hiking Architecture – Volume 3
Walk: Haslemere Hills and Heather, Surrey (1.5 h train from London)
Date: Sunday 23rd of January
Distance: 14,5 km ~ 4h walk”
Hiking Architecture is turning towards the forest. It takes all of us away from the city flow, from rushing thoughts and familiarly twisted urban reality. We pack everything needed, we leave the rest, we explore and listen to the stories of others, we create our own that one day might be called common. Walking through the land, tuning in with the wild and beautiful side of home we live in now. Open for architects and any other soulmates.
tracing a timely and challenging issue
If it works , it is already obsolete .. Mcluhan
Here are some notes I’ve taken from our meeting combined with some ideas i had afterwards… feel free to add to it!
- Instructions to be put on the phone
- Phone will be passed to different unit/studio every 3 days
- Before handing over to next group, the current holder of the phone will email images taken on device to lawun
- The phone number could be added to the back of the phone so people can share screenshots and images from their phones
- The phone password should go on the back too
- These instructions, and others, can be added to the back of the phone
- What questions are we asking? Some ideas floated in our conversations…
- Where did E go wrong?
- What do you bring to the AA?
- What questions are you asking?
Lawun’s image sourcing process
- Material on phone sent to us every week
- Screen print it and put in the PWNOG
- How do we communicate with the unit/studio?
- How do we determine the order?
- Look for used iPhone in Lawun office
- Lizzie may know of a place to find a cheap phone
- Do we flag this up on public programme? aa weekly? mm?
smarter than the average bare…………….